
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications and book chapters

Zhang, L., & Nouri, J. (2022). Assessing K-9 Teachers’ Computational Thinking Skills. In Research Anthology on Computational Thinking, Programming, and Robotics in the Classroom (pp. 467-487). IGI Global

Afzaal M, Nouri J, Zia A, Papapetrou P, Fors U, Wu Y, Li X and Weegar R (2021) Explainable AI for Data-Driven Feedback and Intelligent Action Recommendations to Support Students Self-Regulation. Front. Artif. Intell. 4:723447. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.723447

Öberg, J., & Nouri, J. (2021). Pupils Participation in a Technology-Rich Environment: A Study of Pupil Perspective on Learners’ and Teachers’ Roles. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning16(10)

Nouri, J. (2020). Forskningsinsatsens genomförande och resultat. Programmering i Skolan: Vad, Hur, När och Varför. Ifous rapportserie 2020:5

Nouri, J. & Selander, S. (2020). Artificiell intelligens, debatten om skolans digitalisering och utvecklingen av digital kompetens. Visnet.

Bergdahl, N., & Nouri, J. (2020). Covid-19 and Crisis-Promted Distance Education in Sweden. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 1-17.

Nouri, J., Larsson, K., & Saqr, M. (2020). Supervisors are central for master thesis completion – using learning analytics and machine learning to predict dropout. In Technology, Knowledge and Learning.

Mohammed Saqr, Jalal Nouri, Henriikka Vartiainen & Matti Tedre (2020). Robustness and rich clubs in collaborative learning groups: A learning analytics study using network science. In Scientific Reports (Nature).

Mohammed Saqr, Jalal Nouri, Uno Fors, Olga Viberg, Marya Alsuhaibani, Amjad Alharbi, Mohammed Alharbi and Abdullah Alamer (2020). How networking and social capital influence performance: the role of long-term ties. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer.

Saqr, M., Nouri, J., Vartiainen, H. & Malmberg, J. (2020). What makes an online problem-based group successful? A learning analytics study using social network analysis. In BMC Medical Education. Springer Nature.

Bergdahl, N., Nouri, J. & Fors, U. (2020). Student Engagement and Disengagement in TEL – the Role of Gender, Non-native Speakers and Gaming. Research in Learning Technology.

Sjöberg C,, Risberg, T., Nouri, J, Norén, N. & Zhang, L. (2020). Programming as a tool for across subjects learning in primary school. RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education 17(3), s. 179–189

Bergdahl, N., Nouri., J., Fors, U., Knutsson, O. (2019). Engagement and Performance when Learning with Digital Technologies in Upper Secondary School. Computers & Education,

Zhang, L. & Nouri, J. (2019). Assessing K-9 Teachers’ Computational Thinking Skills through a Computational Thinking Test. Handbook of Research on Integrating Computer Science and Computational Thinking in K-12 Education. IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1479-5

Zhang, L & Nouri, J. (2019). A systematic review of learning computational thinking through Scratch in K-9. Computers & Education. Vol 141.

Bergdahl, N., Nouri, J. & Fors, U. (2019). Disengagement, engagement and digital skills in technology-enhanced learning. Education and Information Technologies.

Nouri, J., Zhang, L, Mannila, L & Norén, E. (2019). Development of computational thinking, digital competence and 21st century skills when learning programming in K-9. Journal of Educational Inquiry.

Nouri, J., Ebner, M., Ifenthaler, D., Saqr, M., Malmberg, J., Khalil, M., Viberg, O., Bruun, J., Conde-Gonzalez, M., Papamitsiou, Z. & Berthelsen, U. (2019). Efforts in Europe for Data-Driven Improvement of Education – A review of learning analytics research in seven countries. International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education. 1(1).

Nouri, J., Saqr, M & Fors, U. (2019). Predicting performance of students in a flipped classroom using machine learning: towards automated data-driven formative feedback. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 17(2).

Nouri, J., Larsson, K. & Saqr, M. (2019). Bachelor thesis analytics: using machine learning to predict dropout and identify performance factors. International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education. 1(1).

Nouri, J. (2019). Editorial of the First Issue of the International Journal of Learning
Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education. International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education. 1(1).

Svela, A., Nouri, J., Viberg, O. & Zhang, L. (2019). A Systematic Review of Tablet Technology in Mathematics Education. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

Bahati, B., Fors, U., Hansen, P., Mukama, E., & Nouri, J. (2019). Measuring Learner Satisfaction with Formative e-Assessment Strategies. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning.

Nouri, J. (2018). Students multimodal literacy and design of learning during self-studies in higher education. In Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.

Saqr, M., Fors, U., Nouri, J. (2018). Using Social Network Analysis to Understand Online Problem Based Learning and Predict Performance. PLoS One.

Saqr, M., Nouri, J. Fors, U. (2018). Time to focus on the temporal dimension of learning. A learning analytics study of the temporal patterns of students’ interactions and self-regulation. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning.

Öqvist, M. & Nouri, J. (2018). Coding by hand or on the computer? Evaluating the effect of assessment mode on performance of students learning programming. In Journal of Computers in Education.

Sacr, M., Fors, U., Tedre, M. & Nouri, J. (2018). How Social Network Analysis Can Be Used to Monitor Online Collaborative Learning and Guide an Informed Intervention. PLoS One.

Nouri, J. (2018). A socio-cultural model of orchestrating mobile learning activities. In International journal of Technology Enhanced Learning.

Hedberg, H., Nouri, J., Hansen, P. & Rahmani, R. (2018). A Systematic Review of Learning Trough Mobile Augmented Reality. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

Persson, V. & Nouri, J. (2018). A Systematic Review of Second Language Learning with Mobile Technologies. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(02), pp.188-211.

Spikol, D., Nouri, J. Cerratto Pargman, T., Milrad, M. (Eds). (2018). Emerging Design: Transforming the STEAM Learning Landscape with the Support of Digital Technologies. Special issue. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A), Volume 34.

Nouri, J. (2018). Digital kompetens i informationssamhället. I Eva Insulander & Staffan Selander (Eds.), Att bli lärare. Liber.

Nouri, J. and Cerratto-Pargman, T. (2017). Pekplattor, Undervisning och Lärande. Nya didaktiken. In Eva Insulander, Susanne Kjällander, Fredrik Lindstrand, Anna Åkerfeldt (Eds.). Didaktik i omvandlingens tid. Text, Representation och Design. LIBER, pp. 150.158.

Cerratto Pargman, T., Nouri, J. and Milrad, M. (2017), Taking an instrumental genesis lens: New insights into collaborative mobile learning. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi:10.1111/bjet.12585

Nouri, J. Åkerfeldt, A., Fors, U., Selander, S. (2017). Assessing collaborative problem solving skills in technology-enhanced learning environments – the PISA framework and modes of communication. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. [S.l.], v. 12, n. 04, p. pp. 163-174

Nouri, J. (2016). The flipped classroom: for active, effective and increased learning–especially for low achievers. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 13(1), 33.

Hansson, K, Talantsev, A, Nouri, J, Ekenberg, L & Lindgren, T. (2016). Open government ideologies in post-Soviet countries. Accepted in International Journal of Electronic Governance.

Nouri, J., Spikol, D., & Cerratto-Pargman, T. (2016). A Learning Activity Design Framework for Supporting Mobile Learning. Designs for Learning, 8(1), 1–12.

Nouri, J., & Cerratto-Pargman, T. (2015). Characterizing learning mediated by mobile technologies: a cultural-historical activity theoretical analysis. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8(4), 357-366.

Nouri, J., Cerratto-Pargman, T., Rossitto, C., & Ramberg, R. (2014). Learning with or without mobile devices? A comparison of traditional schoolfield trips and inquiry-based mobile learning activities. Journal of Research and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Learning.

Nouri, J. (2012). Eliciting the potentials of mobile learning trough scaffolding learning processes across contexts. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation.

Nouri, J., Cerratto Pargman, T., Eliasson, J., & Ramberg, R. (2011). Exploring the Challenges of Supporting Collaborative Mobile Learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(4), 54-69.

Eliasson, J., Cerratto Pargman, T., Nouri, J., & Ramberg, R. (2011). Mobile Devices as Support Rather than Distraction for Mobile Learners: Evaluating Guidelines for Design. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 3(2), 1-15.

Peer Reviewed Conference Publications

Wu Y., Nouri J., Li X., Weegar R., Afzaal M., Zia A. (2021) Catching Group Criteria Semantic Information When Forming Collaborative Learning Groups. In: De Laet T., Klemke R., Alario-Hoyos C., Hilliger I., Ortega-Arranz A. (eds) Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World. EC-TEL 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12884. Springer, Cham.

Wu Y., Nouri J., Li X., Weegar R., Afzaal M., Zia A. (2021) A Word Embeddings Based Clustering Approach for Collaborative Learning Group Formation. In: Roll I., McNamara D., Sosnovsky S., Luckin R., Dimitrova V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12749. Springer, Cham.

Afzaal, M., Nouri, J., Zia, A., Papapetrou, P., Fors, U., Wu, Y., … & Weegar, R. (2021, June). Generation of Automatic Data-Driven Feedback to Students Using Explainable Machine Learning. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 37-42). Springer, Cham.

Afzaal, M., Nouri, J., Zia, A., Papapetrou, P., Fors, U., Wu, Y., … & Weegar, R. (2021, July). Automatic and Intelligent Recommendations to Support Students’ Self-Regulation. In 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (pp. 336-338). IEEE.

Zia, A., Nouri, J., Afzaal, M., Wu, Y., Li, X., & Weegar, R. (2021, June). An Ensemble Approach for Question-Level Knowledge Tracing. In the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 433-437). Springer, Cham.

Zia, A., Nouri, J., Afzaal, M., Wu, Y., Li, X., & Weegar, R. (2021, July). A step towards Improving Knowledge Tracing. In 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (pp. 38-39). IEEE.

Öberg, J., & Nouri, J. (2021). Pupils Participation in a Technology-Rich Environment: A Study of Pupil Perspective on Learners’ and Teachers’ Roles. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning16(10)

Saqr, M. & Nouri, J. (2020). High resolution temporal network analysis to understand and improve collaborative learning. In proceedings of the 10th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference. ACM, Frankfurt, Germany.

Saqr, M., Viberg, O., Nouri, J. & Oyelere, S. (2020). Multimodal Temporal Network Analysis to Improve Learner Support and Teaching. In proceedings of the 10th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference. ACM, Frankfurt, Germany.

LeChen Zhang, Jalal Nouri, and Lennart Rolandsson. 2020. Progression of Computational Thinking skills in Swedish compulsory schools with block-based programming. In Proceedings of Twenty-second Australasian Computing Education Conference (ACE’2020). ACM, Melbourne, Australia, 10 pages.

Ahmed, G., Nouri, J., Zhang, L. & Norén, E. (2020). Didactic methods of integrating programming in mathematics in primary school: findings from a Swedish national project. In Proceedings of SIGCSE’ 20: 51th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education March 11-14, 2020 Portland, OR, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.

Bergdahl, N & Nouri, J. (2019). The use of multimodal learning analytics and sensors for capturing engagement and disengagement in school. CROSSMMLA workshop, European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Springer, 2019.

Nouri, J., Larsson, K., & Saqr, M. (2019). Identifying factors for master thesis completion and non-completion through learning analytics and machine learning. In proceedings of 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL). Springer, 2019.

Saqr, M., Nouri, J. & Jormanainen, I. (2019). A learning analytics study of the effect of group size on social dynamics and performance in online collaborative learning. In proceedings of 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL). Springer, 2019.

Ahmed, G., Nouri, J., Norén, E. & Zhang, L. (2019). Students perceptions of programming in primary school. WiPSCE 2019 , ACM, Glasgow.

Nouri, J., Saqr, M & Fors, U. (2019). Predicting performance of students in a flipped classroom using machine learning: towards automated data-driven formative feedback. 10th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2019).

Saqr, J. Nouri, M. Santolini. (2019). Towards group-aware learning analytics: using social network analysis and machine learning to monitor and predict performance in collaborative learning. 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Sjöberg, T. Risberg, J. Nouri, E. Norén, L. Zhang. (2019). A lesson study on programming as an instrument to learn mathematics and social science in primary school. 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference.

Zhang, L., Nouri, J. & Norén, E. (2018). Reviewing teaching approaches for programming through Scratch in compulsory education. International Conference on Technology In Education.

Saqr, M., Nouri, J. & Fors, U. (2018). Temporality matters. A learning analytics study of the patterns of interactions and its relation to performance. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Mozelius, P. & Nouri, J. (2018). Factors to consider when using learning games for learning programming in K-9 education. 12th European Conference on Games Based Learning.

Zhang, L. & Nouri, J. (2018). A systematic review of learning and teaching with tablets. 14th International Conference of Mobile Learning. IADIS.

Saqr. M, Nouri, J. & Fors, U. (2018). What shapes the communities of learners in a medical school. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Nouri, J., Norén, E. & Skog, K. (2018). Didactical strategies employed by teachers when teaching programming in K-9 education. The 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference.

Nouri, J., Norén, E. & Skog, K. (2018). Learning programming by playing and coding games in K-9. The 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference.

Chibas, Å., Nouri, J., Norén, E., & Zhang, L. (2018). Didactical strategies and challenges when teaching programming in pre-school. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Nouri, J. & Mozelius, P. (2018). A framework for evaluating and orchestrating game-based learning for development of computational thinking. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Sjöberg, C., Nouri, J., Sjöberg, R., Norén, E. & Zhang, L. (2018). Teaching and learning mathematics in primary school trough Scratch. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Öberg, J., Nouri, J., Cerratto-Pargman, T., & Aghaee, N. (2018). Students perspective on the use of digital tools for participation in school. In International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Cerratto Pargman, T. and Nouri, J. (2017). One tablet, multiple epistemic instrumental mediations in the very day classroom. in Proceedings of EC-TEL 2017, Tallinn. Springer.

Cerratto Pargman, T. and Nouri, J. (2017). Tablets in the CSCL classroom: A lens on teachers’ instrumental geneses. Poster in Proceedings of CSCL 2017, Philadelphia, ISLS Press.

Nouri, J, Sundman, T & Cerratto-Pargman (2017). Multimodal, game-based and mobile learning practices with tablets in Swedish schools. In proceedings of International conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Zetali, K. & Nouri, J. (2017). Learners left to their own devices. The challenges of student scaffolding in outdoors mobile learning activities. In proceedings of International conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.

Nouri J. & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2016). When Teaching Practices Meet Tablets’ Affordances. Insights on the Materiality of Learning. In: K. Verbert, M. Sharples & T. Klobučar (Eds.) Adaptive and Adaptable Learning. EC-TEL 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9891, 179-192. Cham: Springer.

A. Thies and J. Nouri, (2015). An activity-theoretical analysis of a design-led investigation in primary care. Third European conference on Design4Health.

Cerratto-Pargman and J. Nouri, (2015). Tablets in schools: which emergent school practices? International Conference of Computer Supported Collaborative learning (workshop paper).

Nouri, J. (2014). Maybe a more engaged, but not necessarily, a better performing mobile learner. International conference on Learning.

Lindgren, T., Ekenberg, L., Nouri, J., & Hansson, K. (2014). An Open Government Index: From Democracy to Efficiency to Innovation.

Nouri, J. (2014). Mobile Inquiry-based Learning – a hype?  4th International conference of Designs for learning.

Nouri, J., Zetali, K, Cerrato-Pargman, T. (2013). Multiple effects of collaborative mobile inquiry-based learning. CSCL 2013. Wisconsin, 2013.

Nouri, J., Zetali, K, Cerrato-Pargman, T. (2013). Mobile inquiry-based Learning, A study of Collarborative Scaffolding and Performance. HCI International, Las Vegas, 2013.

Daniel Spikol, Peter Bergström, Johan Eliasson, Jalal Nouri, Anders D. Olofsson, J. Ola Lindberg. (2012). Bridging the Distance from Research to Practice: Designing for Technology Enhanced Learning. NGL 2012: Next Generation Learning Conference: Conference proceedings, 2012, p. 1-9

Nouri, J. (2011). A theoretical grounding of learning mathematics in authentic real-world contexts supported by mobile technology. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Eliasson. J., Knutsson, O., Nouri, J., Karlsson, O., Ramberg, R., & Cerratto Pargman, T. Evaluating Interaction with Mobile Devices on a Field Trip. IEEE WMUTE 2012 (International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education)

Eliasson, J., & Nouri, J. (2011). Designing for Mobile Learners: Evaluating Activity Design. Workshop: Exploring Design Methods for Mobile Learning. Position paper. MobileHCI 2011. Stockholm. Sweden.

Rutz, F., Eliasson, J., Ramberg, R., & Nouri, J. (2011) Evaluating the Amount of Audio Recorders Needed in an M-Tel Study IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011, Avila, Spain.

Nouri, J., Eliasson, J., Rutz, F., Ramberg, R., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2010) An Activity Theory Analysis of Collaboration in a Mobile Learning Activity. mLearn 2010, Valletta, Malta

Nouri, J., Eliasson, J., Rutz, F., & Ramberg, R. (2010) Exploring Mediums of Pedagogical Support in an Across Contexts Mobile Learning Activity 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2010), Barcelona, Spain

Eliasson, J., Nouri, J., Ramberg, R., & Cerratto Pargman, T. (2010) Design Heuristics for Balancing Visual Focus on Devices in Formal Mobile Learning Activities. mLearn 2010, Valletta, Malta

Nouri, J. & Ramberg, R. (2010). The design of mobile learning activities informed by learning theories. Position paper presented at 1st Nordic Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning (NORDITEL 2010), 26-27 August 2010, Växjö, Sweden


Nouri, J. (2014). Orchestrating scaffolded outdoor mobile learning activities. Doctoral thesis. Stockholm University, Sweden.

Nouri, J. (2011). Towards orchestration of mobile learning: scaffolding students learning processes across contexts. Licentiate thesis. Stockholm University, Sweden.

Nouri, J. (2008). The role of mathematical beliefs. Master thesis. University of Gävle, Sweden.

Nouri, J. (2006). Isaac Newton and the mathematical principles of natural philosophy. Master thesis. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.